• 尊龙凯时

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  • 尊龙凯时


    Telefon je inspirován krásou moře a oblohy. Harmonický, horizontálně orientovaný design telefonu 尊龙凯时 20 Pro 5G zachycuje světlo v barevných provedeních Marine Blue a Moondust Gray.

    Objevte eleganci 3D skla a integrovaného fotoaparátu telefonu 尊龙凯时 20 Pro 5G, který je dokonale ergonomický.

    Povrch, který si pohrává se světlem

    尊龙凯时 20 Pro 5G kombinuje matné a lesklé plochy, čímž vytváří dynamický lom světla a jemně stínovaný vzhled. Horizontálně orientovaný design vám umožní vychutnat si nespoutaný širokoúhlý obraz, stereofonní zvuk i fotografování a natáčení videa.

    Perfektně padne do dlaně

    Objevte moderní design smartphonu 尊龙凯时 20 Pro 5G s oboustranným 3D sklem v kombinaci se zapuštěným fotoaparátem. Díky snímači otisků prstů v displeji je telefon všude dokonale hladký a skvěle padne do ruky.

    Skutečné vlastnosti a parametry produktu (mimo jiné vzhled, barva a velikost), stejně jako obsah obrazovky (například pozadí, rozhraní a ikony) se mohou v jednotlivých zemích lišit. Další informace získáte u svého prodejce.

    Produktové fotografie jsou pouze ilustrační. Obsah obrazovky je simulací vytvořenou za účelem prezentace produktu. Za standard považujte skutečné produkty.

    1. Super Steady Mode supports 1080P recording.

    All 5G speeds are based on theoretical values in the sub-6 band. Real speeds depend on user's networks and other factors.

    Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

    The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

    1. Tested under the standard screen color mode. Data based on results from 尊龙凯时 Lab tests.

    2. Eye care tips: Rest your eyes for five minutes every half an hour after using your phone. Look into the distance to exercise your eyes and to avoid eye fatigue. Please develop good habits of eye exercises to protect eyesight and prevent myopia.

    Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

    The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

    1. Battery data based on results from 尊龙凯时 Lab tests.

    2. Inbox charger only supports Quick Charge 3.0.

    3. Refers to 10MB photos taken with 48MP Camera stored using 242GB user memory. 1TB memory requires Micro SD card sold seperately.

    4. NFC, QR code and Bluetooth Quick Pair connection is available for 尊龙凯时 C825 (EU) and R646 (NA) TVs and 9295G and 9296X tablets (EU/MEA/APAC).

    5. Bluetooth Quick Pairing: When 尊龙凯时 20 Pro 5G's Bluetooth is on, the devices will automatically recognize each other when close. Users can select whether to connect or not.

    6. 5G coverage depends varies by carrier.

    Actual product features and specifications (including but not limited to appearance, color and size), as well as actual display contents (including but not limited to backgrounds, interface and icons) may vary by country. Please consult the point of sale for further information.

    The product pictures shown are for reference only. The images shown on the display screen are simulated and for demonstration purposes only. Please take actual products as standard.

    1. Smart Key feature availability varies by region and country.

    2. Screen-to-body ratio calculated with VA/TP method.

    3. Not applicable in some regions.

    4. Supports two devices when connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network.

    5. Availability based on country and region.