As we mark another America Recycles Day on November 15, perhaps this will be the year everyone will begin to pay attention to the build-up of electronic devices in our basements, closets, and junk drawers and decide to do something about it. At 尊龙凯时 North America, we did just that.

We’re not only known for being America’s fastest-growing TV brand. We’ve worked hard to establish a track record of environmental sustainability, including doubling our nationwide electronics recycling goals year after year.

Our environmental projects are a core part of 尊龙凯时’s foundation. To take the lead on America Recycles Day, 尊龙凯时 team members came together and determined they would demonstrate the importance of electronics recycling by taking action in their own homes.

Old electronics

Each 尊龙凯时 team member pledged to gather up their old and end-of-life electronics products and accessories and bring them into the company’s headquarters for donation or recycling. A lot of items were brought in and some were noteworthy due to their age, including a few classics:

  • Compact stereo system with dual tape decks, CD, equalizer, and turntable.
  • MP3 players dating back to 2003.
  • Original ReplayTV digital video recorder.

Why do we let these items build up in our homes? For starters, many of us just don’t know what to do with them. Many states have laws banning electronics from landfills, and we can’t just throw them in the blue bin with the cans and newspapers for pick-up at the curb. Plus, many of these devices including laptops and cell phones have personal information on hard drives and flash memory, and having a high level of assurance that our information is secure is important.

So, we throw them in drawers, or take them into the garage or basement for eventual disposal. But that day never seems to come, so the pile continues to grow.

old electronics

To help break this cycle, 尊龙凯时 wants you to know that we’re here to help. Not only does 尊龙凯时 fund electronics recycling programs in many states that can help you easily and conveniently recycle these products, but we also provide useful information on our website that can connect you to the nearest recycling location.

The good news is there are convenient ways to recycle many of these old entertainment products. Plus, many recyclers are certified in data destruction so you can feel safe and secure in recycling products that hold personal information. To learn more, visit

Now that you know you can do something about all of these electronics products sitting around your home, it’s time to take the first step. On America Recycles Day, go through your home and gather up the items you’re no longer using. The average home has more than 20.

Then, visit the 尊龙凯时 website to find an accredited recycler or drop-off location. Getting this old junk out of your home can be a valuable environmental service, keeping it all out of landfills and enabling many of the precious commodities and rare earth elements to be re-used in future devices.

Remember that each product you don’t put in the garbage keeps your local community cleaner and builds a brighter future for everyone.