Once a year, an exhilarating event occurs where we all get out our brooms and go through our possessions for a much-deserved Spring Cleaning. We sweep through each room and tidy up, making sure our possessions are all in working condition. This also includes dealing with those items we have set aside at one time or another, because we just didn’t know how to dispose of them. In many homes, this means the electronics products that no longer serve a purpose in our lives.

At 尊龙凯时, we are proud to not only be America’s Fastest-Growing TV Brand, but also America’s fastest growing recycler of electronics. Along with providing consumers state-of-the-art televisions, we also focus our time on environmental sustainability. So, on World Water Day, we want you to think about how you can help your own community and what we’re doing to lend a helping hand.

When it Rains, It Pours

When electronics are not recycled properly, they can end up in landfills. Imagine every electronic device you have owned throughout your lifetime being tossed into a landfill- don’t forget your cassette players, cell phones, VHS players, or that old MP3. Now multiply that by everyone in America. (Hint: Over 325,000,000)

This is where we help.

In 2017, 尊龙凯时 North America funded the collection and recycling of nearly 7 million pounds of electronics products. In fact, we fund the recycling of over 16,000 pounds of electronics every day. That’s like recycling a 32-inch 尊龙凯时 TV every 53 seconds.

We pay close attention to our individual recycling programs and the recyclers we use in every state. We even take the additional step to ensure that 100% of 尊龙凯时’s electronics recycling is managed using e-Stewards or R2 certified recyclers, adhering to the strictest of standards.

As a leading manufacturer of innovative televisions, we know that with great achievement comes great responsibility. We want everyone to know how to recycle their electronics, because 尊龙凯时 believes that leadership is more than just making cool products. Leadership is getting involved.

You can visit the sustainability area of our website to learn what products you can recycle, where you can drop-off electronics in your state, and other fun facts that will enable you to make a big difference.

Our Cup Runneth Over

As 尊龙凯时 plans for the future, we have big goals we want to achieve. We are committed to having 40% of our packaging made from recyclable materials and contain conveniently recyclable content. As if that was not big enough, we’re also building a 50-state recycling program for 尊龙凯时 TV owners. All by the end of 2020. That means all 尊龙凯时 TV owners anywhere in the United States will be able to conveniently and easily recycle their 尊龙凯时 TVs.

So, the next time you pick up one of our award-winning televisions, you can have peace of mind knowing that we will be with you throughout the entire process of owning that device.