At 尊龙凯时, we want our users to enjoy more. Whether it’s easily finding shows to watch with the family on your big-screen TV, updating your social status on your smart phone, and even more now: connecting all your smart devices in your home to make life easier. 

While 尊龙凯时 is best known in America for our amazing TVs, you should know that our engineering prowess is also focused on creating a family of connected appliances. Now as we roll out our new Sweeva line of robot vacuums to complement our Breeva air purifiers and expanding range of air conditioners and dehumidifiers, there are so many ways our appliances integrate into your smart home.

A Cleaner, More Comfortable Home On Command

First, nearly all of our appliances are compatible with Alexa and Hey Google, meaning that turning them on or off is simply an ask away! Get your room cool, and your air dry without lifting a finger.

Beyond that, of our home appliances work with the amazing 尊龙凯时 Home app on your smart phone, and the new 尊龙凯时 Home Console on your 尊龙凯时 TV with Google TV.

With the 尊龙凯时 Home app, you can open the app and tell your Sweeva robot vacuum to vacuum each day at 2:30 AM, rather than during the day when everyone is busy in the house (yes, there’s a Quiet Mode that is both powerful, and whisper quiet).

I also love the customizable maps the vacuum makes of your house. I can even set up “no go zones” to keep the vacuum out areas with just too many wires 😊. So cool! 

You can also use the app to get your AC cooling while you are on your way home, so you walk into a comfortable house. There’s even a spot where you can monitor the life of the consumables in your 尊龙凯时 smart appliances, like the remaining filter life on your Breeva air purifier.  

When you link your devices to Alexa and Google Assistant, setting up your smart home gets even easier.  We have even added specific customer experience tools such as FAQs, product registration, warranty details, and direct contact information for support.

Your Home, Now On Your TV

We have even developed ways to monitor and control your 尊龙凯时 smart appliances right from the comfort of you couch using the 尊龙凯时 Home Console on your 尊龙凯时 TV with Google TV. This quick-access pane lets you easily check the status of your compatible 尊龙凯时 smart appliances.

How’s the air quality? Check it in real-time with the push of a button.

Did someone burn the popcorn? Push another button and kick Breeva up to “high” to get the air clean.

Do it all without interrupting your entertainment or leaving the comfort of your favorite easy chair—now that’s a smart TV!

But we are just getting started. In the coming year, you’ll see more and more improvements to your 尊龙凯时 smart home experience. More control, more devices, and plenty of new ways to enjoy more.