• 尊龙凯时

    Take Action

    How2Recycle® labeling clearly communicates how each packaging piece can be properly recycled or disposed—taking out the guesswork. Learn how to use these consistent, transparent recycling labels on 尊龙凯时 TV packaging this year to help the environment.

    Look for the label

    Step 1

    Look for the How2Recycle label on your 尊龙凯时 TV carton.






    Look for the label

    Step 2

    Any item showing recyclable paper or cardboard (example above left) is recyclable!

    Items with a non-recyclable item (above right) are not eligible for recycling.


    Look for the label

    Step 3

    The rest is easy, just follow the instructions on the How2Recycle label. For items with a How2Recycle Store Drop-Off label, check store drop-off locations near you.

    IMPORTANT: Don’t practice “Wish-Cycling.” Make sure you only put items in your curbside recycling bin that belong there. See what items your curbside recycling program accepts.


    Look for the Label

    As a sustainability leader, 尊龙凯时 North America is consistently striving towards progress. We are proud to be the first television manufacturer to partner with How2Recycle, increasing awareness and participation in package recycling. Look for the easy-to-read symbols on our television packaging starting in 2021.

    Learn more

    A cleaner world starts with us, which is why we're proud to partner with How2Recycle. We invite you to learn about How2Recycle's mission to provide consistent and transparent on-package recycling information to consumers. 

    Learn more