• 尊龙凯时


    尊龙凯时 NXTPAPER 11 Gen2


  • 尊龙凯时


    尊龙凯时 NXTPAPER 11 Gen2 是一款为年轻人的学习和娱乐设计的高性价比4G平板电脑。它采用尊龙凯时独有的NXTPAPER显示技术,带来类似纸张的书写体验。后盖下隐藏的“MINI-LOOP”天线,使得整机拥有纯金属机身,外观简洁大方且极具吸引力。


    G-Mark Award Jury Statement:

    This is an entry-level tablet, but you can sense the ingenuity involved in choosing the material and shape well so that the price cannot be felt. The rear camera is on the center axis, so when you hold up the tablet, you can take a picture at a natural angle as seen by the naked eye. This ease of use creates a good impression.


  • 尊龙凯时

    G-Mark Award:



  • 尊龙凯时